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Altar Server Procedure
Posted on Mon, Mar 7, 2011
St. Brendan on the Lake Roman Catholic Faith Community
Newfane + Olcott + Wilson
Altar Server Procedure
Before Liturgy:
Please arrive 15 minutes prior to Liturgy.
Please no flip-flops for serving.
Put on Alb that fits properly and be sure to button all buttons.
Candle Server lights the candles.
Make sure there is a small water towel and bowl on the credence table for the washing of hands.
Make sure there is water in the cruet.
Participate in the prayer before liturgy with the priest, deacon, Eucharistic ministers and lector.
Cross bearer gets the cross.
Candle bearers get their candles.
All servers proceed in silence to the door of the office side door of the church (Newfane site). At Wilson site all severs proceed out the sacristy nearest the outside doors and ready for procession. At the Olcott site, all servers proceed out the sacristy door for procession down the side aisle of the Church and then up the middle aisle (or outside if weather permits).
Entrance Procession:
When the opening song begins and the lector is in position, the cross bearer leads the procession, holding the cross, walking slowly and reverently, down the exterior wall and down the center aisle.
The candle servers follow with candles held upright.
The cross bearer stops at the third pew and turns sideways. Candle bearers stop at second pew. Let the lector, Eucharistic ministers, deacon and priest pass to their positions to their positions at the foot of the sanctuary. Cross bearer is in center aisle with candle servers behind the cross.
When the priest reaches the steps of the sanctuary he will genuflect.
The cross bearer does not genuflect but simply bows one’s head. Keep the cross straight and upright.
The candle servers also simply bow their head in reverence. Keep candles upright.
As the priest proceeds to the altar, the cross bearer places the cross in its stand. Cross bearer bows in center and goes to pew. Candle servers place their candles on the floor near the ambo. Two candle servers come to center and bow together and then go to the pew.
Opening Prayer:
When the priest says, “Let us pray”, the server on left side of pew holds the sacramentary, opens it to the proper red ribbon so that the priest can read the opening prayer. When the priest is finished, place sacramentary next to priest.
Presentation of the Gifts:
During the collection, the cross bearer places the sacramentary on the altar.
The candles servers set the altar assisted by the deacon or when deacon is absent by the cross bearer with the chalice, cups and purificators. Carry two items each and bring to the altar at the same time.
After table is set, the cross bearer retrieves the cross and the candle servers retrieve the candles. The cross bearer leads procession with candle servers behind cross to the back of the church to lead the gift bearers to the altar. The cross bearer followed by the candle bearers lead the procession to the priest.
The cross bearer returns cross to stand. Candle bearers place candles by the altar.
Cross bearer stands next to priest and two candle servers stand next to priest on other side.
Candle servers receive gifts of bread and wine from the priest and take them to the altar. Once gifts are placed on altar, the candle servers go to credence table.
Cross bearer receive the collection basket from the priest and places the basket near the candles. Cross bearer comes to the center in front of altar, bows and goes to pew.
Candle bearers go in a pair to present the water for pouring into the wine. Do not place water on altar. Wait for water and empty pitcher of wine to be returned. Bow together and return to credence table. One candle bearer holds water and one candle bearer holds the dish and towel for priest to wash hands. Once priest turns and comes to side of altar, candle servers together come up to priest to wash hands. Once hands are dried, bow to priest and then return water, towel and bowl to credence table. Together walk to center in front of altar, bow together and go to pew.
Ringing Bells:
The candle bearer on the inside who did not take sacramentary to priest rings the bells with one short ring at the appropriate time. First time is when priest consecrates bread and wine by placing his hands over the bread and wine. The second time is when priest raises the Body of Christ. The third time is when priest raises the Blood of Christ.
When Eucharistic Ministers approach the altar for receiving and distributing communion the cross bearer and candle servers come to middle of aisle, bow before altar and stand on first level of sanctuary by ambo for reception of communion.
The Eucharistic Ministers will give communion to the servers immediately after the ministers receive both species.
Cross bearer approaches altar, closes the sacramentary and places it by the priest’s chair and returns to seat.
After communion, the candle servers assist priest or deacon with final clean up of altar after vessels are purified.
After clean up is completed, candle servers go to center in front of altar, bow and return to pew.
Closing Prayer:
When priest says, “Let us pray”, the candle server who did not ring bells opens the sacramentary to the proper page for the final prayer. When the priest is finished, the server closes the book and returns to the pew.
End of Liturgy:
When the priest leaves the chair to reverence the altar, the cross bearer gets the cross and candle servers retrieve the candles. The cross bearer and candle servers return to middle of aisle by third pew. The Eucharistic ministers and lector move to their positions.
When the priest genuflects, the servers bow their heads, holding the cross and candles in an upright position. When the priest turns to leave, the cross bearer and candle servers turn to lead the procession. Cross goes first followed by candle bearers.
After Liturgy:
The candles are extinguished and returned to appropriate place. Cross is hung in appropriate place.
Hang your alb neatly in the closet.
Arrive 15 minutes before the Liturgy.
If you can not make Liturgy, it is your responsibility to get a substitute.
Altar servers should participate fully in the Liturgy, reciting responses, saying prayers and singing songs.
When preparing for Liturgy, always genuflect if passing in front of the tabernacle. When crossing the sanctuary, a reverent bow is done in front of altar.
Always be reverent and respectful. This will add to the prayerful experience of our assembly. If any altar server is not carrying anything, then their hands should be folded in a prayerful manner.