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Meeting Mins. 12/7/16 Meeting Mins. 12/7/16

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Meeting Mins. 12/7/16

Posted on Thu, Feb 18, 2016

 Parish Council Meeting Minutes December 7, 2015

Present were: Fr. Jozef, S. Walch, L .Drake, L. Secord-Smith, Deacon D. Harvey, Amy Kline, C. Hartwig, M. Palmer, M. Walek. E. Orlowski, J. Cantella.  T. Bittner, Dan Buczkowski and Joe Drake. Excused were Aaron Kline, Meg Thompson and Lundy.

The meeting was opened with a prayed led by Deacon Dave.

There was one correction from the Nov. 2015 minutes, change the place of the next meeting to Wilson instead of Newfane. So corrected, No further corrections, minutes approved by L. Secord-Smith and L. Drake.

Committee Reports:

a) Catholic Charities: Kick off dinner on 1/27/2016. Sal Nasca, Jim Cantella, Ela Orlowski and Fr. Jozef to attend.

 At our meeting Fr. Jozef related a Capital Campaign to be put out by the diocese, call “On this Rock”. Father feels it may come to our parish after Easter. Fr. Jozef will preach about it and we will approach it as one family. 

b) Liturgical-Laurenda, reports the Year of Mercy to start on 12/8/ 2105. Abe Platt has painted a door way surrounding the confessionals at the Newfane site. They are to remind us of the Mercy of God. Laurenda also presented the Holy Day 12/8 and the Christmas/New Year Day liturgy schedule.  

 Advent penance service will be Dec 15 at the Newfane site.

c) Building and Grounds; Newfane,-roof is complete, all problems are corrected. 

 John Phillips is looking into a new fire protection plan for our three sites. He will let us know when he gets a new company.

 Wilson-the south facing window was caulked, the gutters have been cleaned, waiting for spring to finish the landscaping.

 Olcott- the Underground group is getting some new furniture for the group. All is good!

d)   Youth/Catechetical\ Reports that at the Diocesan Youth Convention in Feb 2016, our Underground group will have a table of information to hand out and things to sell. 

Catechetical – Teachers will do two report cards this school year, the first one will go out after Christmas. Attendance is being stressed in the confirmation class.  Fr. Jozef stresses the need to come to Mass. If the student is not attending Mass and not attending class then there is a problem.  The attendance reports are a way to help improve their faith.  

e) Parish Life- T. Bittner reports the Sr. group is going  to the Fatima  Shrine on Dec 9.

 The Dec. meeting is a trip to Buffalo to hear the Philharmonic on Dec 18. 

 BEREAVEMENT – had two lunches, very well attended.

 OUTREACH – is collecting envelopes from the giving trees at the Wilson and Newfane sites. Monies collected will help with items for our shut-ins and those in Heritage Manor and the Newfane Home.

 BIBLE STUDY- will begin the parables on 2/17 and 18.

 FOOD PANTRY- Newfane site reports 169 families served at Thanksgiving, they also received a donation from the O’Shei Foundation. The local wineries also donated monies that they had collected. In WILSON – 101 families were served for Thanksgiving.

 The center will give out Roast chicken for Christmas dinner on Dec 20 2015.

Business at Hand

 Renovation Committee- John Phillips, Mike Klock, Jinny Carnegie, Mike Hogan, Brian Kinyon and Fr. Jozef will meet Jan 11. 2016 to get started. All agreed that there must be plan before they start anything.

 Parish Directory-Carol Hartwig along with Fran Budnack, Carolyn Larkin and Bridget Shaw will work on this project for the spring of 2016.

 T. Bittner asked about the preprinted envelopes she sees in the local funeral homes. Our parish is not among the ones she sees. They are for donations to the particular church. Fr. Jozef feels it is okay to have some made up and put out. Liz Secord-Smith will work on this.

Next meeting will be Monday Feb. 1, 2016 at the Newfane site at 7:00 pm.

Submitted by Sandra Walch.

   Discussion: Meeting Mins. 12/7/16

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