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Parish Council Minutes 11/2/15 Parish Council Minutes 11/2/15

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Parish Council Minutes 11/2/15

Posted on Tue, Dec 29, 2015

 St. Brendan on the Lake Parish Council  Meeting Minutes November 2, 2015

The November 2015 meeting was held at the Newfane site. Present were; Fr. Jozef, S. Walch, Z. Lundy, L .Drake, L. Secord-Smith, Deacon D. Harvey, Amy Kline, C. Hartwig, M. Palmer, M. Thompson, M. Walek. E. Orlowski J. Willard. Excused were Aaron Kline, T. Bittner, Dan B. and Jim C.

Correction on the minutes from Oct. 2015 Deacon Dave was not present, so corrected. No further corrections,Minutes approved by L. Drake and Amy K.

The opening prayer for the Nov. 2015 meeting was given by Carol H.

Committee reports as follows;

Parish Life: no report, as T. Bittner was absent

Wilson Food Pantry- Carol H. reports that there is a need for turkeys for Thanksgiving by 11/17/2015. Rite -Aide pharmacy came to the site and gave out flu shots. Colter, Singer and Goodman farms all donated fresh vegetables for Thanksgiving. They will pack on 11/22 for Thanksgiving.

Catholic Charities- nothing new to report E. Orlowski will attend the next Diocesan meeting.

Liturgical- L. Drake reports there was no meeting in October, the next meeting is Nov.5, 2015. She will report on the Nov and Dec meetings at the next parish council meeting.

Building and Grounds: Rectory roof in NEWFANE has been repaired, the cost is still in discussion. In WILSON there is a rotten sill on the south facing windows. McHugh is going to come out and fix it. OLCOTT- Mary reported she and the Youth cleaned out the fridge and pantry. She is trying to stay on top of things and keep the basement clean. It was mentioned that the doors have been left ajar. It was suggested to keep the doors shut, this might keep the mice/bats out. There seems to be need for a dehumidifier.

Youth/Catechetical: The Youth group made up gift baskets for the shut-ins. They had a few snack items, holy items and holiday survival things. Fr.Jozef will take some to the first Friday calls as well. Mary announce the Advent lock In Dec 5-6 2015.  The theme is Christmas around the World. It will start after the 5:30 pm mass. Our Youth group has been asked to help plan the youth Convention for the Buffalo Diocese. They have also been asked to portray their Living Stations in Buffalo on Palm Sunday. The details are still being worked out.Fr. Jozef would like to see it stay in Newfane. Danielle Kline will receive a Youth Award in a dinner in later Nov. The theme is Witness the Spirit.

Faith Formation- Mary reports- grade level masses and confessions seems to be working out great.  There are a few areas of concern, first, that the kids in the Confirmation class do not attend Mass, and that the parents seem to be looking for some kind of instruction as well. Fr. Jozef suggested that they be offered to meet in the kitchen after mass for a cup of coffee and a donut. Carol H. offered to get it started.

Business at Hand:

Renovations for Newfane, a few names were suggested. John Phillips and Fr. Jozef will contact the people and see if they are interested, Names include- Bryan Kinyon, Mike Hogan, Jinny  C., Mike Cloc, Deacon Dave and Fr. Jozef would also be on the committee. They will be the first group to take a look at what needs to be done.

Parish Directory will be worked on by C. Hartwig, Fran Budnack and a rep from Olcott. Meg will find one.

Laurenda Drake will set up a mass for Judy Willard’s mother. As she passed away last month. Sandy Walch will order the 50 loaves of bread for Thanksgiving Day Mass.

Next meeting will be Mon Dec 7 in Wilson. Opening prayer-Meg and close- Laurenda. Meeting ended at 8 15 pm.

Submitted by Sandra Walch

   Discussion: Parish Council Minutes 11/2/15

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